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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Visit to to the Cemetery

During my lunch hour, I was able to assist at Mass.  The celebrant preached an excellent homily, reminding us that it is indeed holy, pious and just to pray for the souls of the faithful departed.  He told us that while we have particular relationships here in Earth, in the next life, we will be able to love fully, truly and completely because we will love as God loves us.  When I first heard him preach this, it was a little unsettling, but, the longer I thought about it, he does make sense (he usually does 99.9% of the time).  He explained that particular relationships are those that we have with our parents, other relatives and friends.  But, in heaven, we will live in a relationship with all persons, Divine, angelic and human.  Praying for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed is one way of expressing that relationship.

After Mass, I drove to the cemetery (across the street from the hospital where daily Mass was celebrated) to visit my mom.  It will be 17 years next January since the last time I saw her alive.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't pray for her, that I don't miss her and that I don't think of her.  She was my best friend and my first teacher in the Faith. 

My mother enjoyed things rather, well, over-the-top.  So, in memory of her, my father decided that the flowers on her grave should be big, colorful and bold.  I pray that she will enjoy the beatific vision and ask that she pray for me, too.

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