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Thursday, March 3, 2011

American Preview of the Roman Missal

In the words of Miss Scarlett O'Hara, I was "pea green with envy" when I read about the magnificent work that England's Catholic Truth Society is doing on the revised Roman Missal. Just reading about the meticulous care in the details that CTS is undertaking made me wish that we could duplicate the same effort here in the United States.

Thanks to our friends from the New Liturgical Movement, here is a glimpse of things to come from our own shores, specifically, the Midwest Theological Forum.

New English Edition of Roman Missal by Midwest Theological Forum

A couple of days ago, I called the MTF to inqure about the study guides for the revised Roman Missal. During the course of my conversation with MTF's business manager, we talked about their work on the Roman Missal. Like CTS, MTF is taking great pains to ensure that the Roman Missal will be just as beautiful as the words that it will contain. The art work, as seen in the early prototype from the NLM, should prove superior to what is in the current Roman Missal. I do hope, though, that they would consider having some of the beautiful medieval manuscripts that will be imbedded within the CTS production.

In any event, I think that the pea-green shades of envy are wearing fading. This will certainly be something to eagerly anticipate!!!

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