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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pleasant Memories

Those of you who regularly read this blog probably know that I have been sharing my experiences in Houston during the Society for Liturgy Conference. Another place that holds dear and fond memories for me is St. Louis, Missouri. I happened to be there on a work-related seminar when I found out that the Gateway Liturgical Conference was overlapping. I was able to spend Saturday morning at this conference and got to meet and listen to one of my heroes, then-Archbishop Malcolm Ranjinth.

While at St. Louis, I went to daily Mass at St. John the Apostle Catholic Church (shown above). When I was searching for a YouTube clip of the hymn "O God, Our Help in Ages Past", this particular parish showed up. I figured that this was the perfect blend of two blessed occasions of liturgical renewal that I experienced in St. Louis and in Houston.

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